The former presidents comment was meant as separate. Their opinion of modern leaders in general
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
The former presidents comment was meant as separate. Their opinion of modern leaders in general
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
Some think trump is not as rich as he claims so he is saving face.
If teddy, Eisenhower, truman, jfk and others could see this they would not believe it.
Go back to the founding fathers and it would be even worse
ok, you'll have to bear with me with this one.. i want to talk about toasters.
a) a toaster you can buy today, any brand.
b) a toaster invented in 1948. for a bonus, how long do you think a toaster purchased today will keep working?
You are lucky if a modern major appliance lasts longer than the payments
my wife and i have always shared naked photos respectfully over the years.
being the only thing to fill that void in our relationship due to being apart.
recently my wife has become jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while i am away.
Keep quiet. Photos have a way of slipping out. As to what is allowed between mates it is NOT the business of anyone else.
ok so i know that this is a very long article about mental illness issues, but it was the definitions at the start of the discussion which reminded me of the wt organisation.
see if you agree.
A long ago elder friend told me the policy was to disfellowship the bad personality. No steering them to help, and certainly not inform the congregation.
Better not have any mental bad genes, or develop dementia. Usual love
so i am sure if you are at bethel and have the flu you just get time or what ever to recover, but what about serious sickness.
say you get cancer or some possible terminal illness?
what happens?.
Anecdotally I heard that Knorr would send you to your room with chicken soup only.
From what everyone hears, you had better be one of the big guys or know where the bodies are buried
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
Just got a story on radio that he nixed a senior food program from getting donations from Jewish outfit because it did not meet HIS nutrition standards.
People complain about trump wanting to be king. Look carefully.
8 files arrived.
one video and 7 documents.. .
identity card.
I have a sneaking idea the elders who come to support you during surgery are more there to se if you take blood. Last time the surgeon mentioned a fraction but used a different name than the official list of conscience fractions. I never saw anyone hit high alert like that. Damnit, I was the waiting family, and did not want to visit, get lunch, discuss service. All I want is left alone with my thoughts, fears, and memories. I will not go against someone elses directive in spite of personal misgivings
i know there is a huge college/university lobby here in the us that lives off of students paying, in some cases, enormous amounts of money just to attend.. putting politics aside, if that is possible, (and i am not a bernie sanders guy by any means), but how can we pay for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school, and then throw a huge debt to someone who wants to continue learning?
can't the us (public and state universities) afford four more years for young people to get on a career path without having to, in some cases, take out a mortgage/loan more than the cost of some homes?
then, (and nothing against immigrants, i am married to one), but then the us has to "import" students from other countries to fill the needs that we should be supplying here.
The arts may not pay for themselves as such, but they so add to quality of life. You do not want to hear me sing, compose, or paint. Hey! An epiphany, that is where WT gets theirs.
Things like Warren getting high fees is actually a form of money laundering
Relating to a different post; can we study the 607? Zero year (ordinals and cardinals )? How satan's anger started ww1 before he was kicked out ( time warp)?
well, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
I know lots of JWs who kept their baptism vow but broke the marriage vow. Some of that stuff like history is unbelievable. DA is a big step, but the cat is out of the bag now.